Having spent all
winter refitting 'Callisto' our Elizabethan 30, it was time to decide on our
winter cruise. Sitting over our Sunday roast beef and Yorkshire Pud., we decided
on Norway the land of the Fiska Pud. A fishy dish which is suposed to be a
delicacy. We looked forward to lots of scenery, crystal clear water and lenghy
nights. As well as refitting the saloon, Dave fitted a windvane, log, GPS,DSC
radio, Navtex anchor winch, 40 metres of chain and a liferaft. We spent a couple
of days stocking the boat and planned to leave on Sunday 18th July. Sunday
18th July. We awoke at 6.30am and had breakfast. At 7.30am we left the creek and
headed down the River Humber. The wind was light, so we hoisted the main and
motorsailed, arriving at Spurn Light Vessel at 13.00hrs. and headed North. The
wind was force 3 and we poled out the genoa and sailed North at 5 knots. After 3
hours the wind dropped and we had to motorsail. Throughout the night the wind
rose and fell so we alternatively sailed and motorsailed. I was on watch at
03.30hrs and saw Venus rising like a large orange in the East. The sunrise was
equally spectacular, its rays spreading across a flat sea. There was only the
slightest breeze as we motored into Hartlepool Marina Lock at 16.00 hrs. We were
very tired and had an early meal and slept for 12 hours. Distance run 121nm.
Tuesday 20th July. We stayed at Hartlepool for the day and......... MORE