A cruise
from Arisaig to the Outer Hebrides on 'Callisto of
Boat Callisto is an Elizabethan 30 Based in Arisaig North West Scotland, It is
crewed by Dave, Myself (Shelby) and our seadog Jack, Who loves swimming. This
years holiday on Callisto, our Elizabethan 30 started in June as we arrived at
Arisaig. We launched and loaded her up for what we hoped would be a great summer
cruise. Accompanied by Jack our border collie we left Arisaig at 13.30hrs and
sailed out of the pass towards Canna. We were suddenly surrounded by fog and had
to start the motor as the wind dropped. It was really eerie not seeing anything
but mist. As we approached Canna we kept our eyes peeled and suddenly
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