My Father, George Milner training with his weights in the garden at Withernsea..
The pupils and Teachers of Wintringham school (1918).
The pupils and Teachers of Wintringham school (1922).
2nd row from the front, Auntie Hilda, she is the 7th one in.
3rd row from the front, is Auntie Mary, she is the 6th one in.
On the back row is Dad (George Milner) he is the 4th one in.
Close up view of this photo is below, (it is cropped to show detail).
My Mother as a young girl.
My Mothers brother, Uncle Walter (Rhodes).
My Great, Great Grandfather George Milner.
The back of the photo above of 'My Great, Great Grandfather George Milner'.
My sisters Sheila and Kathleen as children.
My Mother and Father dressed up before setting off to my sister Kathleens wedding.
My Great, Great Grandmother Elizabeth Stubbin, ( Mother of Great Grandmother, Isabella Milner )
My Grandma (Milner) Age 22 (maiden name Hilda Barker).
My sister Barbara as a baby.
My Mother (Laura) as a baby.
My sisters and brother as children, Sheila, Kathleen and baby George.